Next Generation Diagnostics for Gastric Dysfunction
Gastric Alimetry is a medical device and system for performing Body Surface Gastric Mapping to provide insights on gastric function

Gastric Alimetry Key Features
System Components
A single-use adhesive patch containing 66 electrodes for recording gastric electrical data.
Each individual array package includes an Array Template to aid marking for array placement.
Acquires and digitizes gastric electrical data. Measures electrical activity from the stomach.
Physically connects to the Array and worn by the patient during the test.
Designed for use with an iPad mini®, and used for device setup, patient symptom tracking, and data transfers.
The Tablet is locked to the Gastric Alimetry™ App.
Provided to the physician through the Alimetry™ Cloud after the completion of a test.
Reports gastric electrophysiology data together with patient reported symptoms, and technical information on the quality of the test.
A base for charging, storing, and setting up the Reader.
Each Gastric Alimetry™ Dock box includes a dock and power adapter/s.

Instructions for Use (IFU) & Technical Documentation
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Here is Professor Greg O’Grady, our co-founder and CEO introducing the Alimetry Education Hub