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Disclaimer: Phenotype information is provided for use in aiding the diagnosis of various gastric disorders.
Harness Alimetry Insights
to Provide a Clear
Treatment Pathway
Gastric Alimetry provides objective clinical insights to phenotypes patients and enable effective and actionable treatment pathways
Gastric Alimetry insights enables informed and effective treatment management for gastro-duodenal disorders.
Disclaimer: Phenotype information is provided for use in aiding the diagnosis of various gastric disorders.
Revealing Insights from Your Alimetry Report
The Diagnostic Procedure
During this period, patients are able to log their symptoms using the Gastric Alimetry App to add another layer of insights, and are able to go to the bathroom if needed too.
Patients are able to sit comfortably at an angle in a clinic.
A non-invasive adhesive array is placed onto their stomach
The system records a 30 minute baseline recording pre-meal.
The patient ingests a standardised meal.
A 4 hours post-meal recording to evaluate gastric function.
Patient Indications
Gastric Alimetry is indicated for patients with chronic gastric symptoms where traditional diagnostic methods may not provide sufficient insights.
The assessment is available for use in healthcare facilities within the United States of America, United Kingdom and New Zealand.
For full indications of use, please refer to the instructions for use.
Clinician Testimonials
"Gastric Alimetry provides answers. It is a game-changing tool for evaluating upper GI symptoms."
Prof. Chris Andrews, Calgary, Canada
"Gastric Alimetry is providing clinicians like myself insight into a previously grey area. This allows for creating a better, more tailored management of these dificult conditions.”
Dr. Charlotte Daker, Auckland, New Zealand